Monday 1 December 2008

Intitial Plan of Perfume Advert

Initially i had decided on a very noir, sexy, Gothic theme to my perfume advert as i have found that they tend to be very over the top and are always full of nudity. I had a basic plan of how my advert was going to look. Here is a rough sketch with annotations:
Update: Due to the fact that I will not be able to find a model for this sort of naked shot and one that will fit the bill, and also partly because the technology we will be using to take the photo will not be of the highest quality and the light will not be right for the light and dark shadows on the skin. on top of this the programme to be used for editing, 'Photoshop Elements 2.0', does not have a high enough quality to enable me to obtain a flawless shaded skin tone without spending an overly large amount of time on this project. Instead i am going for something with more red in it and a close up shot instead of an extreme close shot so the skin tone does not need to be changed too much.

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