Tuesday 9 December 2008

Actor choices for our Thriller

Choosing actors for our thriller film was relatively easy surprisingly, for we had decided that we only wanted two characters so as to keep things simple and due to the fact that we are only making the initial opening sequence to a possible thriller film we decided that we didn't need to introduce lots of characters and over complicate things!

Finding two actors was really painless as we knew what we were looking for and that was: acting ability and whether they had any past experience also looks to fit the part and their availability to shoot.
The first two people we looked at fitted the bill exactly, these were Lukman Hussain and Tanwyn Smith-Meek.

Lukman Hussain
At 25 years of age Lukman was especially good for the part of a gangster as he obviously looks older and more mature making our film look more authentic, than if we had picked both actors from our year (16 - 17 year old's).
Lukman's experience in amateur film making and acting was one of the main points we picked him as our sinister actor, as we needed quite a bit of emotions and thoughts communicated without using words and all through his actions and expressions.

On top of this Lukman's brother Ibrahim is good friends with Tom Kail and goes to our school so messages could be relayed through him to Lukman making him very easy to contact and make arrangements with.

Tanwyn Smith-Meek
Tanwyn is a member of the group already which has many advantages such as: We can rehearse with him, he knows the plot and script thoroughly, it is easy to organise filming times with him, he would put more effort in respect with his acting, he is up to date with all the changes made, and including him in the acting gives us the chance to hear comments on shots that we would not otherwise have thought of because he was the one in the shot being filmed.
In addition to this Tanwyn would like to persue a career in acting and this gives him a great insight into the world of film (even though we are amateurs) as he has only acted on stage in plays with his acting and he would also put a lot more effort in, and because of his ambition to be on the big screen one day he is also taking A-level Drama and gained an A for Drama GCSE.

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